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Aerospace Structures

Aerospace Structures proposes a three-part project: 1) write additional content, peer-review, field-test, adapt, convert the non-machine-readable, non-editable document into LaTeX, and make the 365-page manuscript, Thin-Walled Structures, into a 500+ page accessible open textbook,  Aerospace Structures. 2) Aerospace engineering faculty will also redesign the three courses which correspond with the content in the book. And, 3) we will start to create and release a pilot database of relevant problems which will be exportable in numerous formats that may be imported to LMSes, and will be available to anyone including students

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Aerospace Structures
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Aerospace Structures by Eric Raymond Johnson is a 600+ page text and reference book for junior, senior, and graduate-level aerospace engineering students. The text begins with a discussion of the aerodynamic and inertia loads acting on aircraft in symmetric flight and presents a linear theory for the status and dynamic response of thin-walled straight bars with closed and open cross-sections. Isotropic and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials including temperature effects are modeled with Hooke’s law. Methods of analyses are by differential equations, Castigliano’s theorems, the direct stiffness method, the finite element method, and Lagrange’s equations. There are numerous examples for the response axial bars, beams, coplanar trusses, coplanar frames, and coplanar curved bars. Failure initiation by the von Mises yield criterion, buckling, wing divergence, fracture, and by Puck’s criterion for FRP composites are presented in the examples.

PDFs (book and chapter-level)
Problem sets: http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104169
LaTeX sourcefiles: Expected spring 2022
Print (Softcover. Does not include appendix): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1949373444.

Professors, if you are reviewing this book for adoption in your course, please let us know here: http://bit.ly/interest-aerospace-structures. Instructors reviewing, adopting, or adapting parts or the whole of the text are especially encouraged to sign up.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Johnson Eric R
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Problem Sets for Aerospace Structures
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0.0 stars

This collection of interactive problems and solutions includes over twenty-five collections of 3-5 problems each on topics relevant to undergraduate-level aerospace structures such as load factors, strain, stress, stress transformation and principal stresses, material properties, composites, equations of equilibrium, Airy stress function, thermoelasticity, failure theories, elastic-plastic analysis, fracture, beam bending, principal of minimum total potential energy, finite element method for beams, plate bending, buckling, structural dynamics, and aeroelasticity.
The problem sets were developed to help faculty provide regular formative assessments to the students without any corresponding grading burden (for the faculty or TA). The assessments can be given twice a week in a typical class and can help the students get feedback on a regular basis.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA)
Patil Mayuresh
Date Added: