Takeaways & Challenges
by Megan Simmons 2 years, 5 months agoPlease reply below to share your biggest takeaways from our VIVA Open Grantee Kickoff session and any anticipated challenges you foresee as you move your OER work forward.
Please reply below to share your biggest takeaways from our VIVA Open Grantee Kickoff session and any anticipated challenges you foresee as you move your OER work forward.
A takeaway:
student opinion (positive, neutral, negative),
student performance,
D/F/W rates
This must be included in the Final Report, must be anonymous, must be voluntary response
A challenge: How to put my assessments in VIVA if they're housed in a site the requires an accouent login?
We are a big team with members in different institutions (3), so timing work and payment for the different members from one institution to others is already overwhelming to think about.
What platform would be best suited for what we are trying to accomplish?
How to merge data from different sources into cohesive units?
Resources of information was very helpful.
Takeaway: (This is my first grant and development project, and) this whole process is more than a little intimidating, but my takeaway today is how many resources (both as folks to reach out to and as materials to stockpile) are available to us. It really helps me start to feel less nervous!
Challenge: Grappling with and anchoring all the moving pieces... confronting and besting the "bitten off more than can chew" feeling. :)
Today has been inspiring and insightful! Lots of great information and new tools to use!
#MomentofTruth, I feel a little uneasy about Press Books and anticipate challenges, but I remain hopeful because support is available!