OER Project Design Considerations & Criteria

by Megan Simmons 1 year, 10 months ago

There are many things to consider when designing an OER Project, such as student learning needs / preferences / objectives, plans for assessing learning, and types of tools and technologies you will use to engage learners,. We explored a few examples today including these OER evaluation criteria and checklists:

What design considerations and criteria are you going to use to guide the creation and evaluation of your OER Project? Please share them by replying below.

Stephanie Daniel 1 year, 10 months ago

Hello Everyone,

All of these are great resources! The Open Textbook Library Review Criteria is probably the resource that will be most beneficial for me to use because I am interested in using the handouts to create a OER textbook. On another note, I hope I published my resource correctly. :-)

Jenny Horton 1 year, 10 months ago

Since I am working on advocating for OER and curating resources to share with others, I believe that this whole list of resources will be helpful in discussions with faculty.  It can feel overwhelming to start from scratch and also to try to think ahead for assessment and accessiblility and these resources ease some of the guesswork in those areas.

Kathy Clarke 1 year, 10 months ago

I am in the same boat as Jenny. While I have content to create in support of an existing OER, I also help faculty create and evaluate OERs for my assigned departments. 


Charuta Mirajkar 1 year, 10 months ago

My question is:

If I adapt an existing OER textbook, how does copyright affect that?

For example, ( 1) i will be removing a few chapters from the original book.

(2) i will be replacing a few imgaes from the original book.

(3) i will be creating my own ancillary instructional material , ex. PPTs, question banks..


Shelley Whitmeyer 1 year, 10 months ago

I have questions about this too.  I have 'remixed' material and it looks I can edit the text by the author's name remains.  


Mark Hamilton 1 year, 10 months ago

I think the Open Textbook LIbrary and the BC Campus Accessibility Checklist woudl benefit me msot right now.

Wyn Schell 1 year, 10 months ago

My resource is very much just a list of potential materials for the use of faculty as they choose. Our biggest issue has been currency of examples, and level of complexity. The class I am curating for is very basic, and the lack of open source medical resources on very basic levels of specific medical topics from the last 3-4 years has been an issue. As such, I do not have a real question to ask, aside I suppose from asking if the format works. Obviously this is not really intended for what I am using it for, but I thought it at least would be more friendly than a resource folder, although I did make one of those as well. The evaluation will be down to the faculty member, if they find the resources useful to them. If they are not able to find what serves them, this will indicate another iteration is needed.

Amy Marshman 1 year, 10 months ago

I think the BC campus guide is helpful. I also have a college one that I most follow. Accessibility is important since we'll be using lots of images in art history. I'm always struggling with copyright images.


Kellie Aldi 1 year, 10 months ago

I think the most useful of the above resources for guidance in the development of the laboratory experiments I plan on developing will be the Achieve OER Rubric as its focus is on alignment, and I think this will be very useful in maximizing the effectiveness of the experiments offered in a CHM101 course. 


I think I am looking for some feedback on the way I have structured the the example draft of the lab experiment I have to share in this workshop, as I plan to organize all other lab experiments in a similar manner for consistency. I would like for the lab documents to model the procession of scientific inquiry - outlining the purpose, review of important scientific concepts, materials and precautions, the procedure, data tables organized clearly, calculations, summary and post lab questions that expand on what has been learned. 

Shelley Whitmeyer 1 year, 10 months ago

I might be able to help with this.  I'm not CHEM but I am also working on a lab manual. 


Shannon Steffey 1 year, 10 months ago

My consideration is not only content but also grammar/spelling errors. The first oer I saw had several mis-spelled words and grammar issues. I found myself looking at that instead of the content. For our faculty, it will have to be easy to access as well.