Unrestricted Use
This course is the third in the introductory surveys of U.S. history. The course surveys the significant forces and people that have shaped American civilization from the Progressive Era to the present. This course starts at the beginning of the 20th century and explores how different people, including you, participated in the nation's transformation through that century until today. Those who would like to pursue their study of American history may wish to take Hist 146 (US History I) and Hist 147 (US History II).Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
- Subject:
- History
- U.S. History
- Material Type:
- Full Course
- Homework/Assignment
- Lecture Notes
- Lesson Plan
- Reading
- Syllabus
- Provider:
- Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
- Provider Set:
- Open Course Library
- Date Added:
- 10/31/2011