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  • biochemistry
Biochemical Methods Lab Manual
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Each chapter in this book corresponds to a lab in the CHEM 3753: Introduction to Biochemical Methods course at the University of Oklahoma. All of the materials you will need for each lab can be found within its respective chapter. Each chapter will contain a brief introduction; a set of learning objectives; a slide presentation, screencast, or lab demonstration video; the protocol to be followed during your time in the lab; and a set of interactive quiz questions to help you check you understanding as you go. Other interactive features include photos from the lab, links to safety data sheets (SDS), and 3D chemical structures. Components of the book are elaborated upon below. We hope you find this book to be an all-in-one, fun, and engaging learning tool for the biochemical methods course.

Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Alyssa Hill
Cody Taylor
Logan Nickles
Paul Sims
Date Added:
Biochemistry: Free For All
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0.0 stars

We are happy to welcome you to our second Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook, Biochemistry Free For All. Biochemistry is a relatively young science, but its rate of growth has been truly impressive. The rapid pace of discoveries, which shows no sign of slowing, is reflected in the steady increase in the size of biochemistry textbooks. Growing faster than the size of biochemistry books have been the skyrocketing costs of higher education and the even faster rising costs of college textbooks. These unfortunate realities have created a situation where the costs of going to college are beyond the means of increasing numbers of students.

Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Indira Rajagopal
Kevin Ahern
Taralyn Tan
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Biology is designed for multi-semester biology courses for science majors. It is grounded on an evolutionary basis and includes exciting features that highlight careers in the biological sciences and everyday applications of the concepts at hand. To meet the needs of today’s instructors and students, some content has been strategically condensed while maintaining the overall scope and coverage of traditional texts for this course. Instructors can customize the book, adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom. Biology also includes an innovative art program that incorporates critical thinking and clicker questions to help students understand—and apply—key concepts.

Life Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Date Added:
Biology, The Chemistry of Life, The Study of Life, Themes and Concepts of Biology
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0.0 stars

By the end of this section, you will be able to:Identify and describe the properties of lifeDescribe the levels of organization among living thingsRecognize and interpret a phylogenetic treeList examples of different sub disciplines in biology

Applied Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Mindy Boland
Date Added:
Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students
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0.0 stars

Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students (2021) is an undergraduate medical-level resource for foundational knowledge across the disciplines of genetics, cell biology and biochemistry. This USMLE-aligned text is designed for a first-year undergraduate medical course that is delivered typically before students start to explore systems physiology and pathophysiology. The text is meant to provide the essential information from these content areas in a concise format that would allow learner preparation to engage in an active classroom. Clinical correlates and additional application of content is intended to be provided in the classroom experience. The text assumes that the students will have completed medical school prerequisites (including the MCAT) in which they will have been introduced to the most fundamental concepts of biology and chemistry that are essential to understand the content presented here. This resource should be assistive to the learner later in medical school and for exam preparation given the material is presented in a succinct manner, with a focus on high-yield concepts.

The 276-page text was created specifically for use by pre-clinical students at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and was based on faculty experience and peer review to guide development and hone important topics.

Available Formats
978-1-949373-42-4 (PDF)
978-1-949373-43-1 (ePub) https://doi.org/10.21061/cellbio
978-1-949373-41-7 (Pressbooks) https://pressbooks.lib.vt.edu/cellbio
Also available via LibreTexts: https://med.libretexts.org/@go/page/37584
Print now available https://www.amazon.com/dp/194937341X

How to Adopt this Book
Instructors reviewing, adopting, or adapting parts or the whole of the text are requested to register their interest at: https://bit.ly/interest-preclinical.

Instructors and subject matter experts interested in and sharing their original course materials relevant to pre-clinical education are requested to join the instructor portal at https://www.oercommons.org/groups/pre-clinical-resources/10133.

Features of this Book
1. Detailed learning objectives are provided at the beginning of each subsection
2. High resolution, color contrasting figures illustrate concepts, relationships, and processes throughout
3. Summary tables display detailed information
4. End of chapter lists provide additional sources of information
5. Accessibility features including structured heads and alternative-text provide access for readers accessing the work via a screen-reader

Table of Contents
1. Biochemistry basics
2. Basic laboratory measurements
3. Fed and fasted state
4. Fuel for now
5. Fuel for later
6. Lipoprotein metabolism and cholesterol synthesis
7. Pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), purine and pyrimidine metabolism
8. Amino acid metabolism and heritable disorders of degradation
9. Disorders of monosaccharide metabolism and other metabolic conditions
10. Genes, genomes, and DNA
11. Transcription and translation
12. Gene regulation and the cell cycle
13. Human genetics
14. Linkage studies, pedigrees, and population genetics
15. Cellular signaling
16. Plasma membrane
17. Cytoplasmic membranes
18. Cytoskeleton
19. Extracellular matrix

Suggested Citation
LeClair, Renée J., (2021). Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students, Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech Publishing. https://doi.org/10.21061/cellbio. Licensed with CC BY NC-SA 4.0.

About the Author
Renée J. LeClair is an Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Science Education at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, where her role is to engage activities that support the departmental mission of developing an integrated medical experience using evidence-based delivery grounded in the science of learning. She received a Ph.D. at Rice University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Maine Medical Center Research Institute in vascular biology. She became involved in medical education, curricular renovation, and implementation of innovative teaching methods during her first faculty appointment, at the University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine. In 2013, she moved to a new medical school, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville. The opportunities afforded by joining a new program and serving as the Chair of the Curriculum committee provided a blank slate for creative curricular development and close involvement with the accreditation process. During her tenure she developed and directed a team-taught student-centered undergraduate medical course that integrated the scientific and clinical sciences to assess all six-core competencies of medical education.

Accessibility Note
The University Libraries at Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech Publishing are committed to making its publications accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The HTML (Pressbooks) and ePub versions of this book utilize header structures and include alternative text which allow for machine-readability.

Please report any errors at https://bit.ly/feedback-preclinical

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Renee LeClair
Date Added:
Hydrophilic Porphyrins based Chemosensors for First Transition Series Metal Ions [Chemistry]
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0.0 stars

General Chemistry is a two-semester course (General Chemistry I, SCC 201 and General Chemistry II, SCC 202) required for majors in Biology and Environmental Sciences.
This lab experiment, aligned to LaGuardia Community College‰Ûªs Inquiry and Problem Solving Core Competency and Written Communication Ability was designed for General Chemistry I (SCC 201 Honors) course. Honors courses in LaGuardia emphasize critical thinking, analytical writing, and introduce students to research. This lab experiment provides an opportunity for students to engage in hands-on laboratory work, to develop laboratory skills, and to conduct research in the classroom by using two water soluble porphyrins to detect transition metal ions in a solution and on a paper support. Overall, this experiment was designed to meet the demand for undergraduate research experiences and to engage all the students in addressing a research question or problem that is of interest to the scientific community.
In order to demonstrate their learning, students write a formal lab report which includes an understanding of experiment procedures (methods and techniques), safety hazards, instrumentation, understanding of concepts and theories gained by performing the experiment, collecting data through observation and/or experimentation, interpretation of the data (Ultraviolet-visible spectra), analysis of the data in tables and graphs, and drawing conclusions and perspective from the experiment. The knowledge students gain during this lab experiment will be useful to connect with future chemistry courses and can also be utilized to do research. The lab write-up is deposited for the assessment of the Written Communication Ability to which SCC 201 is aligned.
This experiment also raises awareness about a global concern. Students detect transition metal ions in aqueous solutions by use of porphyrins. Due to rapid growth in technology and industrialization, transition metals are used in large amounts in a variety of electronic products. The improper preservation of the industrial wastes leads to accumulation of these metals into water resources, which can create danger to human health and the environment. Therefore, there is a need to carefully monitor and frequently detect transition metal ions content in the environment.
This lab experiment was implemented in an Honors section of General Chemistry SCC 201 and was worth about 3.5% of the final grade. The students are likely to spend 3 hours completing the experiment in the lab and another 3-4 hours completing the lab write-up.
The Program Goals that this assignment targets:
1. To provide training to the students in various lab techniques and how to utilize these techniques to conduct research.
The Student Learning Objective (s) that this assignment targets:
1. Students will have an enhanced conceptual understanding of the theory to practice relationship and will achieve higher level reasoning skills.
2. Students will be able to develop their practical competence in laboratory work.
3. Students will be able to collect data through observation and/or experimentation, preparation of solutions of known concentration, characterize the compounds by UV-vis spectra, and draw conclusions and perspective of the experiment.
4. Communicate their results through the formal lab report format of: Introduction, Chemicals, Procedure, Data, Discussion and References.
LaGuardia‰Ûªs Core Competencies and Communication Abilities
The Course Objective (s) that this assignment targets:
1. Based on the principles of environmental chemistry, students will be able to detect the transition metal ions using a porphyrin as a sensor and explore the complex connections between chemistry and real world issues.
2. Observe, collect, analyze and interpret experimental data and graph the UV visible spectra using Microsoft Excel.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
LaGuardia Community College
Singh, Sunaina
Date Added:
Threshold Concepts in Biochemistry
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0.0 stars

Biochemistry (and Molecular Biology) represent one of the fastest-growing fields of scientific research and technical innovation and the resulting biotechnology is increasingly applied to other fields of study. So, an understanding of Biochemistry is increasingly important for students in all biological disciplines. However, at the same time, the content is inherently complex, highly abstract, and often deeply rooted in the pure sciences – mathematics, chemistry, and physics. This makes it difficult to both learn and to teach.

This book is designed as a succinct and focused resource, specifically aimed to help students grasp key threshold concepts in Biochemistry. Due to their troublesome nature, understanding threshold concepts is a cognitively demanding task. By using a series of thematically linked case studies that accompany theory, the cognitive load will be reduced. This will free up students to focus on learning concepts rather than distracting them with unnecessary specifics.

Life Science
Material Type:
Open Educational Resources Collective
Hendrika Duivenvoorden
Julian Pakay
Kaitlin Clarke
Thomas Shafee
Date Added: