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  • Engineering
Diesel and Gasoline Engines
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The internal combustion engine was invented around 1790 by various scientists and engineers worldwide. Since then the engines have gone through many modifications and improvements. Today, different applications of engines form a significant technological importance in our everyday lives, leading to the evolution of our modern civilization. The invention of diesel and gasoline engines has definitely changed our lifestyles as well as shaped our priorities. The current engines serve innumerable applications in various types of transportation, in harsh environments, in construction, in diverse industries, and also as back-up power supply systems for hospitals, security departments, and other institutions. However, heavy duty or light duty engines have certain major disadvantages, which are well known to everyone. With the increasing usage of diesel and gasoline engines, and the constantly rising number of vehicles worldwide, the main concern nowadays is engine exhaust emissions. This book looks at basic phenomena related to diesel and gasoline engines, combustion, alternative fuels, exhaust emissions, and mitigations.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Richard Viskup
Date Added:
Direct Energy
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Direct Energy Conversion discusses both the physics behind energy conversion processes and a wide variety of energy conversion devices. A direct energy conversion process converts one form of energy to another through a single process. The first half of this book surveys multiple devices that convert to or from electricity including piezoelectric devices, antennas, solar cells, light emitting diodes, lasers, thermoelectric devices, and batteries. In these chapters, physical effects are discussed, terminology used by engineers in the discipline is introduced, and insights into material selection is studied. The second part of this book puts concepts of energy conversion in a more abstract framework. These chapters introduce the idea of calculus of variations and illuminate relationships between energy conversion processes.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Trine University
Andrea Mitofsky
Date Added:
Dredging Engineering: Special Topics
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0.0 stars

In dredging, production estimating is carried out mainly with analytical physical models of the different dredging processes.
Slurry transport of settling slurries and cutting processes in sand, clay and rock are already covered in two other books by the author.
Other processes like hopper sedimentation and erosion, water jet fluidization, cutter head spillage, pump/pipeline dynamics and clamshell dredging are covered in this Special Topics Edition.
New topics may be added in the near future.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Maritime Science
Material Type:
S.A. Miedema
Date Added:
Electromagnetics, Volume 1
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Electromagnetics Volume 1 by Steven W. Ellingson is a 225-page, peer-reviewed open educational resource intended for electrical engineering students in the third year of a bachelor of science degree program. It is intended as a primary textbook for a one-semester first course in undergraduate engineering electromagnetics. The book employs the “transmission lines first” approach in which transmission lines are introduced using a lumped-element equivalent circuit model for a differential length of transmission line, leading to one-dimensional wage equations for voltage and current.

Suggested citation: Ellingson, Steven W. (2018) Electromagnetics, Vol. 1. Blacksburg, VA: VT Publishing. https://doi.org/10.21061/electromagnetics-vol-1 CC BY-SA 4.0

Three formats of this book are available:
Print (ISBN 978-0-9979201-8-5)
PDF (ISBN 978-0-9979201-9-2)
LaTeX source files

If you are a professor reviewing, adopting, or adapting this textbook please help us understand a little more about your use by filling out this form: http://bit.ly/vtpublishing-updates

Additional Resources
Problem sets and the corresponding solution manual are also available.
Community portal for the Electromagnetics series https://www.oercommons.org/groups/electromagnetics-user-group/3455/
Faculty listserv for the Electromagnetics series https://groups.google.com/a/vt.edu/d/forum/electromagnetics-g
Submit feedback and suggestions http://bit.ly/electromagnetics-suggestion

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Preliminary Concepts
Chapter 2: Electric and Magnetic Fields
Chapter 3: Transmission Lines
Chapter 4: Vector Analysis
Chapter 5: Electrostatics
Chapter 6: Steady Current and Conductivity
Chapter 7: Magnetostatics
Chapter 8: Time-Varying Fields
Chapter 9: Plane Waves in Lossless Media
A. Constitutive Parameters of Some Common Materials
B. Mathematical Formulas
C. Physical Constants

About the Author: Steven W. Ellingson (ellingson@vt.edu) is an Associate Professor at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia in the United States. He received PhD and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Ohio State University and a BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Clarkson University. He was employed by the US Army, Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Raytheon, and the Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory before joining the faculty of Virginia Tech, where he teaches courses in electromagnetics, radio frequency systems, wireless communications, and signal processing. His research includes topics in wireless communications, radio science, and radio frequency instrumentation. Professor Ellingson serves as a consultant to industry and government and is the author of Radio Systems Engineering (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

This textbook is part of the Open Electromagnetics Project led by Steven W. Ellingson at Virginia Tech. The goal of the project is to create no-cost openly-licensed content for courses in undergraduate engineering electromagnetics. The project is motivated by two things: lowering learning material costs for students and giving faculty the freedom to adopt, modify, and improve their educational resources.

Accessibility features of this book: Screen reader friendly, navigation, and Alt-text for all images and figures.

Publication of this book was made possible in part by the Open Education Faculty Initiative Grant program at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. http://guides.lib.vt.edu/oer/grants

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Steven W. Ellingson
Date Added:
Electromagnetics, Volume 2
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Electromagnetics, volume 2 by Steven W. Ellingson is a 216-page peer-reviewed open textbook designed especially for electrical engineering students in the third year of a bachelor of science degree program. It is intended as the primary textbook for the second semester of a two-semester undergraduate engineering electromagnetics sequence. The book addresses magnetic force and the Biot-Savart law; general and lossy media; parallel plate and rectangular waveguides; parallel wire, microstrip, and coaxial transmission lines; AC current flow and skin depth; reflection and transmission at planar boundaries; fields in parallel plate, parallel wire, and microstrip transmission lines; optical fiber; and radiation and antennas.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Preliminary Concepts
Chapter 2: Magnetostatics Redux
Chapter 3: Wave Propagation in General Media
Chapter 4: Current Flow in Imperfect Conductors
Chapter 5: Wave Reflection and Transmission
Chapter 6: Waveguides
Chapter 7: Transmission Lines Redux
Chapter 8: Optical Fiber
Chapter 9: Radiation
Chapter 10: Antennas
Appendix A: Constitutive Parameters of Some Common Materials
Appendix B: Mathematical Formulas
Appendix C: Physical Constants

Additional Resources
Problem sets and the corresponding solution manuals
Slides of figures used in and created for the book
LaTeX sourcefiles.
Screen-reader friendly version
Errata for Volume 2
Collaborator portal for the Electromagnetics series https://www.oercommons.org/groups/electromagnetics-user-group/3455
Faculty listserv for the Electromagnetics series
Submit feedback and suggestions

The Open Electromagnetics Project https://www.faculty.ece.vt.edu/swe/oem
Led by Steven W. Ellingson at Virginia Tech, the goal of the Open Electromagnetics Project is to create no-cost openly-licensed content for courses in engineering electromagnetics. The project is motivated by two things: lowering learning material costs for students and giving faculty the freedom to adopt, modify, and improve their educational resources.

Books in this Series
Electromagnetics, Volume 1 https://doi.org/10.21061/electromagnetics-vol-1
Electromagnetics, Volume 2 https://doi.org/10.21061/electromagnetics-vol-2

To express your interest in a book or this series, please visit http://bit.ly/vtpublishing-updates

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Steven W. Ellingson
Date Added:
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems is written for students in science, engineering, and mathematics who have completed calculus through partial differentiation. If your syllabus includes Chapter 10 (Linear Systems of Differential Equations), your students should have some preparation in linear algebra. In writing this book I have been guided by the these principles: • An elementary text should be written so the student can read it with comprehension without too much pain. I have tried to put myself in the student’s place, and have chosen to err on the side of too much detail rather than not enough. • An elementary text can’t be better than its exercises. This text includes 2041 numbered exercises, many with several parts. They range in difficulty from routine to very challenging. • An elementary text should be written in an informal but mathematically accurate way, illustrated by appropriate graphics. I have tried to formulate mathematical concepts succinctly in language that students can understand. I have minimized the number of explicitly stated theorems and defonitions, preferring to deal with concepts in a more conversational way, copiously illustrated by 299 completely worked out examples. Where appropriate, concepts and results are depicted in 188 figures

Applied Science
Material Type:
Trinity University
William F. Trench
Date Added:
Embedded Controllers Using C and Arduino 2E
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is intended as an introduction to embedded controllers for students in Electrical Engineering and Technology at the AAS and/or BS level. It begins with a discussion of the C programming language and then shifts to using the open source Arduino hardware platform. Uses both the Arduino library and more direct coding of the controller.

Applied Science
Material Type:
James M. Fiore
Date Added:
Engineering Design for Circular Economy
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Products and equipment all around us are made of materials: look around you and you will see phones, computers, cars, and buildings. We face challenges in securing the supply of materials and the impact this has on the planet. Innovative product design can help us find solutions to these challenges. This course will explore new ways of designing products.

The design of products is an important aspect of a circular economy. The circular economy approach addresses material supply challenges by keeping materials in use much longer and eventually returning materials for new use. The principle is that waste must be minimized. Products will be designed to last longer. They will be easier to Reuse, Repair, and Remanufacture. The product will eventually be broken down and Recycled. This is Design for R and is the focus of this course.

Experts from leading European universities and research organizations will explain the latest strategies in product design. Current design approaches lead to waste, loss of value and loss of resources. You will learn about the innovative ways in which companies are creating value, whilst securing their supply chains, by integrating Design for R.

This course is suitable for all learners who have an interest in product design, innovative engineering, new business activity, entrepreneurship, sustainability, circular economy and everyone who thinks that the current way we do things today needs a radical rethink.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
David Peck
Dr. A. Lohrengel
Dr. E. van der Voet
Drs. Max Prumbohm
Date Added:
Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Introduction to engineering mechanics: statics, for those who love to learn. Concepts include: particles and rigid body equilibrium equations, distributed loads, shear and moment diagrams, trusses, method of joints and sections, & inertia.

Applied Science
Material Type:
University of Prince Edward Island
Emma Christensen
Gayla Cameron
Libby (Elizabeth) Osgood
Date Added:
Engineering Statics: Open and Interactive
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Engineering Statics is a free, open-source textbook appropriate for anyone who wishes to learn more about vectors, forces, moments, static equilibrium, and the properties of shapes. Specifically, it has been written to be the textbook for Engineering Mechanics: Statics, the first course in the Engineering Mechanics series offered in most university-level engineering programs.

This book’s content should prepare you for subsequent classes covering Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics and Mechanics of Materials. At its core, Engineering Statics provides the tools to solve static equilibrium problems for rigid bodies. The additional topics of resolving internal loads in rigid bodies and computing area moments of inertia are also included as stepping stones for later courses. We have endeavored to write in an approachable style and provide many questions, examples, and interactives for you to engage with and learn from.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Daniel Baker
William Haynes
Date Added:
Engineering Systems Dynamics Modelling, Simulation, and Design
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Lagrangian and Bond Graph Methods

Short Description:
This open education resource presents effective system modelling methods, including Lagrangian and bond graph, and the application of a relevant engineering software tool, 20-sim. The content is designed for engineering students and professionals in the field to support their understanding and application of these methods for modelling, simulation, and design of engineering systems. The text also includes videos showing selected worked-out examples.

Long Description:
This textbook emphasizes the fundamentals of modelling methods—including Lagrangian and bond graph—and introduces a software tool for modelling and simulation to support the design of common engineering systems. This approach minimizes the time-consuming effort of manipulating and extracting system equations and writing computer code for integrating and finding their solution. We believe that our approach helps both students and professionals currently working in the field to become more productive engineers. Videos of selected worked-out examples help the reader understand the topic and applications for real-world engineering systems. This book comprises of 11 chapters.

Word Count: 41611

ISBN: 978-1-990132-09-4

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Mehrzad Tabatabaian
Date Added:
Engineering and Technology in Society - Canada
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This book is a compilation of open source resources to be used in an Engineering in Society course. Jennifer Kirkey started this work in the summer of 2018. She teaches physics and astronomy at Douglas College in New Westminster, British Columbia, and works closely with the engineering program there.

Applied Science
Social Science
Material Type:
British Columbia/Yukon Open Authoring Platform
Jennifer Kirkey
Date Added:
Essential Mechanics - Statics and Strength of Materials with MATLAB and Octave
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Essential Mechanics - Statics and Strength of Materials with MATLAB and Octave
P. Venkataraman

Essential Mechanics - Statics and Strength of Materials with MATLAB and Octave combines two core engineering science courses - “Statics” and “Strength of Materials” - in mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering. It weaves together various essential topics from Statics and Strength of Materials to allow discussing structural design from the very beginning. The traditional content of these courses are reordered to make it convenient to cover rigid body equilibrium and extend it to deformable body mechanics.The e-book covers the most useful topics from both courses with computational support through MATLAB/Octave. The traditional approach for engineering content is emphasized and is rigorously supported through graphics and analysis. Prior knowledge of MATLAB is not necessary. Instructions for its use in context is provided and explained. It takes advantage of the numerical, symbolic, and graphical capability of MATLAB for effective problem solving. This computational ability provides a natural procedure for What if? exploration that is important for design. The book also emphasizes graphics to understand, learn, and explore design. The idea for this book, the organization, and the flow of content is original and new. The integration of computation, and the marriage of analytical and computational skills is a new valuable experience provided by this e-book. Most importantly the book is very interactive with respect to the code as it appears along with the analysis.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Full Course
Lecture Notes
Rochester Institute of Technology
P Venkataraman
Date Added:
Fast Fourier Transforms
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This book uses an index map, a polynomial decomposition, an operator factorization, and a conversion to a filter to develop a very general and efficient description of fast algorithms to calculate the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The work of Winograd is outlined, chapters by Selesnick, Pueschel, and Johnson are included, and computer programs are provided.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax CNX
C. Sidney Burrus
Date Added:
A First Course in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This book was written for an experimental freshman course at the University of Colorado. The course is now an elective that the majority of our electrical and computer engineering students take in the second semester of their freshman year, just before their first circuits course. Our department decided to offer this course for several reasons:

we wanted to pique student' interest in engineering by acquainting them with engineering teachers early in their university careers and by providing with exposure to the types of problems that electrical and computer engineers are asked to solve;
we wanted students entering the electrical and computer engineering programs to be prepared in complex analysis, phasors, and linear algebra, topics that are of fundamental importance in our discipline;
we wanted students to have an introduction to a software application tool, such as MATLAB, to complete their preparation for practical and efficient computing in their subsequent courses and in their professional careers;
we wanted students to make early contact with advanced topics like vector graphics, filtering, and binary coding so that they would gain a more rounded picture of modern electrical and computer engineering.
In order to introduce this course, we had to sacrifice a second semester of Pascal programming. We concluded that the sacrifice was worth making because we found that most of our students were prepared for high-level language computing after just one semester of programming.

We believe engineering educators elsewhere are reaching similar conclusions about their own students and curriculums. We hope this book helps create a much needed dialogue about curriculum revision and that it leads to the development of similar introductory courses that encourage students to enter and practice our craft.Students electing to take this course have completed one semester of calculus, computer programming, chemistry, and humanities.

Concurrently with this course, students take physics and a second semester of calculus, as well as a second semester in the humanities. By omitting the advanced topics marked by asterisks, we are able to cover Complex Numbers through Linear Algebra, plus two of the three remaining chapters. The book is organized so that the instructor can select any two of the three. If every chapter of this book is covered, including the advanced topics, then enough material exists for a two-semester course.

The first three chapters of this book provide a fairly complete coverage of complex numbers, the functions e^x and e^jand phasors. Our department philosophy is that these topics must be understood if a student is to succeed in electrical and computer engineering. These three chapters may also be used as a supplement to a circuits course. A measured pace of presentation, taking between sixteen and eighteen lectures, is sufficient to cover all but the advanced sections in Complex Numbers through Phasors.

The chapter on "linear algebra" is prerequisite for all subsequent chapters. We use eight to ten lectures to cover it. We devote twelve to sixteen lectures to cover topics from Vector Graphics through Binary Codes. (We assume a semester consisting of 42 lectures and three exams.) The chapter on vector graphics applies the linear algebra learned in the previous chapter to the problem of translating, scaling, and rotating images. "Filtering" introduces the student to basic ideas in averaging and filtering. The chapter on "Binary Codes" covers the rudiments of binary coding, including Huffman codes and Hamming codes.

If the users of this book find "Vector Graphics" through "Binary Codes" too confining, we encourage them to supplement the essential material in "Complex Numbers" through "Linear Algebra" with their own course notes on additional topics. Within electrical and computer engineering there are endless possibilities. Practically any set of topics that can be taught with conviction and enthusiasm will whet the student's appetite. We encourage you to write to us or to our editor, Tom Robbins, about your ideas for additional topics. We would like to think that our book and its subsequent editions will have an open architecture that enables us to accommodate a wide range of student and faculty interests.

Throughout this book we have used MATLAB programs to illustrate key ideas. MATLAB is an interactive, matrix-oriented language that is ideally suited to circuit analysis, linear systems, control theory, communications, linear algebra, and numerical analysis. MATLAB is rapidly becoming a standard software tool in universities and engineering companies. (For more information about MATLAB, return the attached card in the back of this book to The MathWorks, Inc.) MATLAB programs are designed to develop the student's ability to solve meaningful problems, compute, and plot in a high-level applications language. Our students get started in MATLAB by working through “An Introduction to MATLAB,” while seated at an IBM PC (or look-alike) or an Apple Macintosh. We also have them run through the demonstration programs in "Complex Numbers". Each week we give three classroom lectures and conduct a one-hour computer lab session. Students use this lab session to hone MATLAB skills, to write programs, or to conduct the numerical experiments that are given at the end of each chapter. We require that these experiments be carried out and then reported in a short lab report that contains (i) introduction, (ii) analytical computations, (iii) computer code, (iv) experimental results, and (v) conclusions. The quality of the numerical results and the computer graphics astonishes students. Solutions to the chapter problems are available from the publisher for instructors who adopt this text for classroom use.

We wish to acknowledge our late colleague Richard Roberts, who encouraged us to publish this book, and Michael Lightner and Ruth Ravenel, who taught "Linear Algebra" and "Vector Graphics" and offered helpful suggestions on the manuscript. We thank C. T. Mullis for allowing us to use his notes on binary codes to guide our writing of "Binary Codes". We thank Cédric Demeure and Peter Massey for their contributions to the writing of "An Introduction to MATLAB" and "The Edix Editor". We thank Tom Robbins, our editor at Addison-Wesley, for his encouragement, patience, and many suggestions. We are especially grateful to Julie Fredlund, who composed this text through many drafts and improved it in many ways. We thank her for preparing an excellent manuscript for production.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax CNX
Louis Scharf
Date Added:
A First Course in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This book was written for an experimental freshman course at the University of Colorado. The course is now an elective that the majority of our electrical and computer engineering students take in the second semester of their freshman year, just before their first circuits course. Our department decided to offer this course for several reasons:

we wanted to pique student' interest in engineering by acquainting them with engineering teachers early in their university careers and by providing with exposure to the types of problems that electrical and computer engineers are asked to solve;
we wanted students entering the electrical and computer engineering programs to be prepared in complex analysis, phasors, and linear algebra, topics that are of fundamental importance in our discipline;
we wanted students to have an introduction to a software application tool, such as MATLAB, to complete their preparation for practical and efficient computing in their subsequent courses and in their professional careers;
we wanted students to make early contact with advanced topics like vector graphics, filtering, and binary coding so that they would gain a more rounded picture of modern electrical and computer engineering.
In order to introduce this course, we had to sacrifice a second semester of Pascal programming. We concluded that the sacrifice was worth making because we found that most of our students were prepared for high-level language computing after just one semester of programming.

We believe engineering educators elsewhere are reaching similar conclusions about their own students and curriculums. We hope this book helps create a much needed dialogue about curriculum revision and that it leads to the development of similar introductory courses that encourage students to enter and practice our craft.Students electing to take this course have completed one semester of calculus, computer programming, chemistry, and humanities.

Concurrently with this course, students take physics and a second semester of calculus, as well as a second semester in the humanities. By omitting the advanced topics marked by asterisks, we are able to cover Complex Numbers through Linear Algebra, plus two of the three remaining chapters. The book is organized so that the instructor can select any two of the three. If every chapter of this book is covered, including the advanced topics, then enough material exists for a two-semester course.

The first three chapters of this book provide a fairly complete coverage of complex numbers, the functions e^x and e^jand phasors. Our department philosophy is that these topics must be understood if a student is to succeed in electrical and computer engineering. These three chapters may also be used as a supplement to a circuits course. A measured pace of presentation, taking between sixteen and eighteen lectures, is sufficient to cover all but the advanced sections in Complex Numbers through Phasors.

The chapter on "linear algebra" is prerequisite for all subsequent chapters. We use eight to ten lectures to cover it. We devote twelve to sixteen lectures to cover topics from Vector Graphics through Binary Codes. (We assume a semester consisting of 42 lectures and three exams.) The chapter on vector graphics applies the linear algebra learned in the previous chapter to the problem of translating, scaling, and rotating images. "Filtering" introduces the student to basic ideas in averaging and filtering. The chapter on "Binary Codes" covers the rudiments of binary coding, including Huffman codes and Hamming codes.

If the users of this book find "Vector Graphics" through "Binary Codes" too confining, we encourage them to supplement the essential material in "Complex Numbers" through "Linear Algebra" with their own course notes on additional topics. Within electrical and computer engineering there are endless possibilities. Practically any set of topics that can be taught with conviction and enthusiasm will whet the student's appetite. We encourage you to write to us or to our editor, Tom Robbins, about your ideas for additional topics. We would like to think that our book and its subsequent editions will have an open architecture that enables us to accommodate a wide range of student and faculty interests.

Throughout this book we have used MATLAB programs to illustrate key ideas. MATLAB is an interactive, matrix-oriented language that is ideally suited to circuit analysis, linear systems, control theory, communications, linear algebra, and numerical analysis. MATLAB is rapidly becoming a standard software tool in universities and engineering companies. (For more information about MATLAB, return the attached card in the back of this book to The MathWorks, Inc.) MATLAB programs are designed to develop the student's ability to solve meaningful problems, compute, and plot in a high-level applications language. Our students get started in MATLAB by working through “An Introduction to MATLAB,” while seated at an IBM PC (or look-alike) or an Apple Macintosh. We also have them run through the demonstration programs in "Complex Numbers". Each week we give three classroom lectures and conduct a one-hour computer lab session. Students use this lab session to hone MATLAB skills, to write programs, or to conduct the numerical experiments that are given at the end of each chapter. We require that these experiments be carried out and then reported in a short lab report that contains (i) introduction, (ii) analytical computations, (iii) computer code, (iv) experimental results, and (v) conclusions. The quality of the numerical results and the computer graphics astonishes students. Solutions to the chapter problems are available from the publisher for instructors who adopt this text for classroom use.

We wish to acknowledge our late colleague Richard Roberts, who encouraged us to publish this book, and Michael Lightner and Ruth Ravenel, who taught "Linear Algebra" and "Vector Graphics" and offered helpful suggestions on the manuscript. We thank C. T. Mullis for allowing us to use his notes on binary codes to guide our writing of "Binary Codes". We thank Cédric Demeure and Peter Massey for their contributions to the writing of "An Introduction to MATLAB" and "The Edix Editor". We thank Tom Robbins, our editor at Addison-Wesley, for his encouragement, patience, and many suggestions. We are especially grateful to Julie Fredlund, who composed this text through many drafts and improved it in many ways. We thank her for preparing an excellent manuscript for production.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Louis Scharf
Date Added:
Foundations of Chemical and Biological Engineering I
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The goal of this textbook is to introduce you to the foundational topics of chemical engineering. This textbook will give you a good basic understanding of a number of chemical engineering concepts, which you can take with you as you progress in your engineering degree and career.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Jonathan Verrett
Rana Barghout
Rosie Qiao
Date Added:
Free Engineering Technology Simulations
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This website consists of a series of 3D simulations on engineering technology topics. Developed by and for the Eastern Iowa Community Colleges' Engineering Technology programs, these simulations, which are approximately 2-9 minutes long, are used as part of their curriculum to help students quickly and thoroughly grasp the concepts being presented in a visual format. Some simulations are paired with additional interactive quiz questions and can be downloaded as .zip files.
Topics covered include: AC Circuits, DC Circuits, Digital Currents & Systems, Electrical Motor Control, Fluid Power Control, Fluid Power Design & Application, Fluid Power Fundamentals, Industrial Print Reading (Engineering Design), Industrial Robotics, Lean Manufacturing, Microcontrollers, Motion Control, Process Control, Programmable Logic Controllers, and Solid Stats & Systems.
This workforce solution is funded by the Pathways to Engineering Technology Careers grant which is 100% financed through a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Electronic Technology
Material Type:
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Lucid Way
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering covers an undergraduate, introductory course to aeronautical engineering and aims at combining theory and practice to provide a comprehensive, thorough introduction to the fascinating, yet complex discipline of aerospace engineering. This book is the ulterior result of three year of teaching a course called Aerospace Engineering in the first year of a degree in aerospace engineering (with a minor in air navigation) at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, in Madrid, Spain.

Table of Contents
I Introduction
1 The Scope
2 Generalities
II The aircraft
3 Aerodynamics
4 Aircraft structures
5 Aircraft instruments and systems
6 Aircraft propulsion
7 Mechanics of flight
III Air Transportation, Airports, and Air Navigation
8 Air transportation
9 Airports
10 Air navigation: ATM
11 Air navigation: CNS

Applied Science
Material Type:
Manuel Soler Arnedo
Date Added: