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Philosophy (Faculty Reviewed)

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Ethics for A-Level
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0.0 stars

What does pleasure have to do with morality? What role, if any, should intuition have in the formation of moral theory? If something is ‘simulated', can it be immoral?

This accessible and wide-ranging textbook explores these questions and many more. Key ideas in the fields of normative ethics, metaethics and applied ethics are explained rigorously and systematically, with a vivid writing style that enlivens the topics with energy and wit. Individual theories are discussed in detail in the first part of the book, before these positions are applied to a wide range of contemporary situations including business ethics, sexual ethics, and the acceptability of eating animals. A wealth of real-life examples, set out with depth and care, illuminate the complexities of different ethical approaches while conveying their modern-day relevance.

This concise and highly engaging resource is tailored to the Ethics components of AQA Philosophy and OCR Religious Studies, with a clear and practical layout that includes end-of-chapter summaries, key terms, and common mistakes to avoid. It should also be of practical use for those teaching Philosophy as part of the International Baccalaureate.

Ethics for A-Level is of particular value to students and teachers, but Fisher and Dimmock's precise and scholarly approach will appeal to anyone seeking a rigorous and lively introduction to the challenging subject of ethics.

Reviews available here: https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/textbooks/ethics-for-a-level

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Open Book Publishers
Andrew Fisher
Mark Dimmock
Date Added:
Ethics in America
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

This series uses the Socratic method to build analytical skills and examine ethical questions. The programs aim to sharpen moral reasoning without favoring a particular position by exploring ethical dilemmas in legal, political, medical, corporate, and military arenas. Panelists include Antonin Scalia, Faye Wattleton, and Peter Jennings. A video instructional series on ethics for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 10 one-hour video programs, audiocassettes.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Annenberg Learner
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Fundamental Methods of Logic
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0.0 stars

Fundamental Methods of Logic is suitable for a one-semester introduction to logic/critical reasoning course. It covers a variety of topics at an introductory level. Chapter One introduces basic notions, such as arguments and explanations, validity and soundness, deductive and inductive reasoning; it also covers basic analytical techniques, such as distinguishing premises from conclusions and diagramming arguments. Chapter Two discusses informal logical fallacies. Chapters Three and Four concern deductive logic, introducing the basics of Aristotelian and Sentential Logic, respectively. Chapter Five deals with analogical and causal reasoning, including a discussion of Mill's Methods. Chapter Six covers basic probability calculations, Bayesian inference, fundamental statistical concepts and techniques, and common statistical fallacies.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Matthew Knachel
Date Added:
The Intelligent Troglodyte's Guide to Plato's Republic
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The Republic of Plato is one of the classic gateway texts into the study and practice of philosophy, and it is just the sort of book that has been able to arrest and redirect lives. How it has been able to do this, and whether or not it will be able to do this in your own case, is something you can only discover for yourself. The present guidebook aims to help a person get fairly deep, fairly quickly, into the project. It divides the dialogue into 96 sections and provides commentary on each section as well as questions for reflection and exploration. It is organized with a table of contents and is stitched together with a system of navigating bookmarks. Links to external sites such as the Perseus Classical Library are used throughout. This book is suitable for college courses or independent study.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Student Guide
Fort Hays State University
Provider Set:
FHSU Scholars Repository
Douglas Drabkin
Date Added:
An Introduction to Formal Logic
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0.0 stars

forall x is an introduction to sentential logic and first-order predicate logic with identity, logical systems that significantly influenced twentieth-century analytic philosophy. After working through the material in this book, a student should be able to understand most quantified expressions that arise in their philosophical reading.

This books treats symbolization, formal semantics, and proof theory for each language. The discussion of formal semantics is more direct than in many introductory texts. Although forall x does not contain proofs of soundness and completeness, it lays the groundwork for understanding why these are things that need to be proven.

Throughout the book, I have tried to highlight the choices involved in developing sentential and predicate logic. Students should realize that these two are not the only possible formal languages. In translating to a formal language, we simplify and profit in clarity. The simplification comes at a cost, and different formal languages are suited to translating different parts of natural language.

The book is designed to provide a semester's worth of material for an introductory college course. It would be possible to use the book only for sentential logic, by skipping chapters 4-5 and parts of chapter 6.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What is logic?
Chapter 2: Sentential logic
Chapter 3: Truth tables
Chapter 4: Quantified logic
Chapter 5: Formal semantics
Chapter 6: Proofs

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
P.D. Magnus
Date Added:
An Introduction to Formal Logic
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0.0 stars

forall x is an introduction to sentential logic and first-order predicate logic with identity, logical systems that significantly influenced twentieth-century analytic philosophy. After working through the material in this book, a student should be able to understand most quantified expressions that arise in their philosophical reading.

This books treats symbolization, formal semantics, and proof theory for each language. The discussion of formal semantics is more direct than in many introductory texts. Although forall x does not contain proofs of soundness and completeness, it lays the groundwork for understanding why these are things that need to be proven.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
forall x
P.D. Magnus
Date Added:
Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is an introductory textbook in logic and critical thinking. The goal of the textbook is to provide the reader with a set of tools and skills that will enable them to identify and evaluate arguments. The book is intended for an introductory course that covers both formal and informal logic. As such, it is not a formal logic textbook, but is closer to what one would find marketed as a critical thinking textbook. Downloadable as a pdf file.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Lansing Community College
Matthew J. Van Cleave
Date Added:
Introduction to Philosophy
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Introduction to Philosophy surveys logic, metaphysics, epistemology, theories of value, and history of philosophy thematically. To provide a strong foundation in global philosophical discourse, diverse primary sources and examples are central to the design, and the text emphasizes engaged reading, critical thinking, research, and analytical skill-building through guided activities.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Allison Fritz
Corey McCall
Daniel Garro
Gayle Horton
Gregory Browne
Jeremy Gallegos
Jon Gill
Kurt Stuke
Maryellen Lo Bosco
Naomi Friedman
Nathan Smith
Parish Conkling
Rebecca A. Longtin
Date Added:
Introduction to Philosophy
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Philosophy is many things to many people and so writing a general introduction to philosophy textbook is bound to itself be an exercise in meta-philosophy. Because this is so, there will be disagreements not only about what is in the textbook, but also about what it leaves out. In the process of editing the chapters for this text, the philosophers in my department (Paul Jurczak, Christopher Schneck, and Leanne Kent) had occasion to hash out some of these disagreements. I believe the resulting textbook is better for it, not to mention that we as philosophers are all better for it. As will perhaps be obvious for those who read the textbook, the different chapters have very different styles. We consider this diversity a virtue of the textbook, although we understand that it does make it bit more unwieldy. For example, Paul and I have very different backgrounds in philosophy. Paul reads French very well and knows a lot about Merleau-Ponty; I read no French, but am fairly engaged with the cognitive sciences. Paul knows a lot about history, literature, and film; I don’t, but can tell you more than you’d like to know about what’s wrong with Jerry Fodor’s asymmetric dependence account of mental representation or why Saul Kripke’s causal account reference is important. As philosophers may infer based on these descriptions, I was schooled within the “analytic” tradition of philosophy, whereas Paul’s interests lie more within the “Continental” tradition of philosophy. These differences speak to the diversity of what philosophy is and they are reflected in this textbook.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Christopher Schneck
Douglas Sjoquist
Matthew Van Cleave
Paul Jurczak
Date Added:
Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
We often make judgments about good and bad, right and wrong. Philosophical ethics is the critical examination of these and other concepts central to how we evaluate our own and each others' behavior and choices. This text examines some of the main threads of discussion on these topics that have developed over the last couple of millenia, mostly within the Western cultural tradition. Cover art by Heather Salazar; cover design by Jonathan Lashley. Join the conversation about this and the other books in the Introduction to Philosophy textbook series.

Long Description:
We often make judgments about good and bad, right and wrong. Philosophical ethics is the critical examination of these and other concepts central to how we evaluate our own and each others’ behavior and choices.

This text examines some of the main threads of discussion on these topics that have developed over the last couple of millenia, mostly within the Western cultural tradition. It considers basic questions about moral and ethical judgment: Is there such a thing as something that is really right or really wrong independent of time, place and perspective? What is the relationship between religion and ethics? How can we reconcile self-interest and ethics? Is it ever acceptable to harm one person in order to help others? What do recent discussions in evolutionary biology or have to say about human moral systems? What is the relation between gender and ethics? The authors invite you to participate in their exploration of these and many other questions in philosophical ethics.

If you are adopting or adapting this book for a course, please let us know on our adoption form for the Introduction to Philosophy open textbook series.

Word Count: 46922

ISBN: 978-1-989014-08-0

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Rebus Community
Christina Hendricks (Series Editor)
Douglas Giles
Frank Aragbonfoh Abumere
George Matthews (Book Editor)
Jeffrey Morgan
Joseph Kranak
Kathryn MacKay
Michael Klenk
Paul Rezkalla
Ya-Yun (Sherry) Kao
Date Added:
Learning from Arguments: An Introduction to Philosophy
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0.0 stars

Learning from Arguments is a novel approach to teaching Introduction to Philosophy. It advances accessible versions of key philosophical arguments, in a form that students can emulate in their own writing, and with the primary aim of cultivating an understanding of the dynamics of philosophical argumentation.

The book contains ten core chapters, covering the problem of evil, Pascal’s wager, personal identity, the irrationality of fearing death, free will and determinism, Cartesian skepticism, the problem of induction, the problem of political authority, the violinist argument, the future-like-ours argument, the ethics of eating meat, utilitarianism (both act and rule), and the trolley problem. Additionally, there is an introductory chapter explaining what arguments are and surveying some common argumentative strategies, an appendix on logic explaining the mechanics and varieties of valid arguments, and an appendix providing detailed advice for writing philosophy papers.

Each of the ten core chapters offers a sustained argument for some controversial thesis, specifically written for an audience of beginners. The aim is to introduce newcomers to the dynamics of philosophical argumentation, using some of the arguments standardly covered in an introductory philosophy course, but without the additional hurdles one encounters when reading the primary sources of the arguments: challenging writing, specialized jargon, and references to unfamiliar books, philosophers, or schools of thought.

Table of Contents
Preface for Students
Preface for Instructors
Chapter 1: Can God Allow Suffering?
Chapter 2: Why You Should Bet on God
Chapter 3: What Makes You You
Chapter 4: Don't Fear the Reaper
Chapter 5: No Freedom
Chapter 6: You Know Nothing
Chapter 7: Against Prisons and Taxes
Chapter 8: The Ethics of Abortion
Chapter 9: Eating Animals
Chapter 10: What Makes Things Right
Appendix A: Logic
Appendix B: Writing
Appendix C: Theses and Arguments

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Daniel Z. Korman
Date Added:
Logical Fallacies
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0.0 stars

This website allows students to explore many common logical fallacies. There are some accompanying handouts to help students take notes and organize their ideas.

Arts and Humanities
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Date Added:
Logic and Critical Thinking
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course provides an introduction to critical thinking, informal logic, and a small amount of formal logic; its purpose is to provide students with the basic tools of analytical reasoning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Understand what critical thinking is and why it is valuable; Distinguish between good and bad definitions, Recognize the differences between explicit and implicit meaning, and remove ambiguities of meaning from unclearly worded statements; Recognize arguments in writing, pick out good and bad arguments by their form, and construct sound arguments of their own; Diagnose the most common reasoning errors and fallacies, as well as identify ways of improving them; Understand the basics of sentential and predicate logic and gain practice manipulating meaning symbolically; Understand the rudiments of scientific methodology and reasoning; Evaluate arguments that rely on specific types of visual representation; Understand the basics of strategic reasoning and problem solving; Understand the particular challenges involved in reasoning about values and morality; Diagnose fallacies and evaluate arguments about values and morality. (Philosophy 102)

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
Date Added:
Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint addresses in a novel format the major topics and themes of contemporary metaethics, the study of the analysis of moral thought and judgement. Metathetics is less concerned with what practices are right or wrong than with what we mean by ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’
Looking at a wide spectrum of topics including moral language, realism and anti-realism, reasons and motives, relativism, and moral progress, this book engages students and general readers in order to enhance their understanding of morality and moral discourse as cultural practices. Catherine Wilson innovatively employs a first-person narrator to report step-by-step an individual’s reflections, beginning from a position of radical scepticism, on the possibility of objective moral knowledge. The reader is invited to follow along with this reasoning, and to challenge or agree with each major point. Incrementally, the narrator is led to certain definite conclusions about ‘oughts’ and norms in connection with self-interest, prudence, social norms, and finally morality. Scepticism is overcome, and the narrator arrives at a good understanding of how moral knowledge and moral progress are possible, though frequently long in coming.
Accessibly written, Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint presupposes no prior training in philosophy and is a must-read for philosophers, students and general readers interested in gaining a better understanding of morality as a personal philosophical quest.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Open Book Publishers
Catherine Wilson
Date Added:
Philosophical Ethics
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0.0 stars

This book is an introduction to philosophical ethics intended for use in introductory college or high school level courses. It has grown out of lecture notes I shared with the first students who took my online Ethics course at the Pennsylvania College of Technology almost 20 years ago. Since then it has seen more development in a variety of forms – starting out as a pdf document, and then evolving into a static set of WordPress pages and finally now as a book written in bookdown and hosted at GitHub. This text represents my attempt to scratch a couple of itches. The first is my wanting a presentation of the major philosophical approaches to ethics that I can actually agree with and that is integrated into my overall teaching method. I tend to teach philosophy to beginners and so there is a fair amount of discussion of the tools used by philosophers and of the ways in which their approach differs from that of their colleagues in other disciplines.

There are of course many good quality ethics textbooks out there, and yet none has exactly matched my way of wanting to present the material. Teaching ethics over the years has been a process of active exploration and constant revision of my approach as I have come to a more nuanced and richer appreciation of what ethical thinking and theorizing is all about, as well as some ideas about how I think the main strands of argument relate to each other. Yes this is a partisan effort, but it’s all subject to revision and refinement based on, I hope at least, the better argument. That’s what I am trying to get across here.

The second itch I am trying to scratch has to do with initiatives in open education, and I’d like this text to contribute in its own small way to the much larger and more influential open source movement and philosophy of which I consider it a part. Knowledge is only ours to share. Yes of course writers, developers and publishers do hard work that deserves compensation. But intellectual property, it seems to me, is a false idol that deserves to be smashed. So here is my effort to chip away at it – knowledge should free us and and not sink us into both literal and figurative debt.

Table of Contents:
I Some Preliminaries
1 The Examined Life
2 A Little Bit of Logic
3 Fallacies and Biases

II Ethics Culture and Religion
4 Relativism
5 Religion and Ethics

III Reconstructing Norms
6 Egoism
7 Social Contract Theory
8 Utilitarianism
9 Kant and the ethics of duty

IV Applied Ethics
10 Theory in Practice
11 Euthanasia
12 Liberty and its Limits
13 Crime and Punishment
14 Animals and Ethics
15 Ethics and the Environment

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
George W. Matthews
Plymouth State University
Date Added:
Philosophical Thought: Across Cultures and Through the Ages
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Philosophical Thought: across cultures and through the ages, is an open-educational resource (OER) to be used as a collection of readings for introductory philosophy courses. The objectives for developing and sharing this open resource are three-fold:

1. to provide a collection of philosophical works that can be used as a foundation for faculty and students to use in undergraduate philosophy courses
2. to provide a resource that is free to students
3. to provide a resource that compiles philosophical thought from a variety of cultures and eras

The works included in this book come from a wide range of sources. However, this book is indebted to Henry Imler’s editorial work on Sapienta and Phronesis, both of which are OER texts available on Pressbooks.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Oklahoma State University
Dr. Heather Wilburn
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Philosophy 101 Readings
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Introduction to the problems, history and nature of philosophy with reading and discussion of selected writings from the Pre-Socrates to the present, focusing on traditional Western philosophical issues.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Whatcom College
Cathy Hagman
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Phronesis: An Open Introduction to Ethics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Part I of the text is a survey of ethical systems, methods of determining the right thing to do and how to reforge ourselves and communities, so that we might be humble, wise, and just. Part II of the text looks at short selections of speeches and readings from a variety of philosophers arguing for particular ethical principles, discussing what makes for a good life, the degree to which we can offload our moral thinking onto the divine, analysis of systems of power, and how to conceptualize and respond to uneven moral and political structures in society. The last part of the text is a series of applied ethical issues, such as reproductive rights, environmental ethics, animal rights, and so on.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Henry Imler
Date Added:
Sets, Logic, Computation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Textbook for Calgary's Logic II course based on the Open Logic Project. Covers naive set theory, first-order logic, sequent calculus and natural deduction, the completeness, compactness, and Löwenheim-Skolem theorems, Turing machines, and the undecidability of the halting problem and of first-order logic.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Open Logic Project
Richard Zach
Date Added:
Thinking Well
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Thinking Well is a Creative Commons Logic and Critical Thinking Textbook. The emphasis is on clarity of step-by-step instructions and a dialogic format to make it as accessible to a wide variety of ages of skill-levels as possible.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Andrew Lavin
Date Added: