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  • Botany
Botany in Hawaiʻi
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"Botany in Hawai‘i" discusses introductory topics of Botany through examples of the native and introduced plants found in Hawai‘i. It includes anatomy and physiology of seeds, roots, leaves, stems, fruits and flowers and covers the main plant groups from nonvascular to flowering plants. This book provides a visual reference to botanical concepts and terminology for beginners.

Life Science
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Daniela Dutra Elliott
Paula Mejia Velasquez
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From Growing to Biology: Plants 1e
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0.0 stars

Ready to find out how plants are grown and function? Take a fantastic voyage through plants. From Growing to Biology: Plants 1e brings the latest information for understanding of traditional and modern plant growing, form, and production. Topics covered in 30 chapters include concise and up-to-date ‘big picture’ infographics, student learning outcomes (SLOs), key vocabulary, assessment, as well as identification of 120 species, and more. Moreover, author Dr. G. Hacisalihoglu emphasizes on leaning concepts, binding those concepts together with visuals approach to make learning faster and more memorable.

From Growing to Biology: Plants 1e is packed full of horticultural information that is ideal for both academia and industry growers. It is basic enough that if you are just getting started learning plants, you will be able to catch up. Always remember that practice makes permanent and keep going to take your learning plant bio to new levels.

Life Science
Material Type:
Florida State University
Gokhan Hacisalihoglu
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Gardening with Native Grasses in Cold Climates
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Gardening with Native Grasses in Cold Climates, is written for inexperienced as well as seasoned gardeners, landscape designers, garden center employees, and anyone interested in native grasses that grow well in cold climates. New information on the benefits of native grasses including their importance as host plants for native Lepidoptera is included. Combinations of specific grasses used by larvae and perennials that the adult butterflies feed on is new and timely information.

Life Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Diane M. Narem
Mary Hockenberry Meyer
Date Added:
History and Science of Cultivated Plants
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
History and Science of Cultivated Plants narrates how humans transitioned from foragers to farmers and have arrived at present-day industrial agriculture-based civilization. It entails myths, historical accounts, and scientific concepts to describe how human efforts have shaped and produced easier to grow, larger, tastier, and more nutritious fruits, vegetables, and grains from wild plants. Using examples of various economically and socially important crops central to human civilization, the book describes the origin of crop plants, the evolution of agricultural practices, fundamental concepts of natural selection vs. domestication, experimental and methodical plant breeding, and plant biotechnology. Data dashboard

Word Count: 48729

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Life Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Sushma Naithani
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Inanimate Life
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0.0 stars

Inanimate Life is an open textbook covering a very traditional biological topic, botany, in a non-traditional way. Rather than a phylogenetic approach, going group by group, the book considers what defines organisms and examines four general areas of their biology: structure (their composition and how it comes to be), reproduction (including sex), energy and material needs, and their interactions with conditions and with other organisms. Although much of the text is devoted to vascular plants, the book comparatively considers ‘EBA = everything but animals’ (hence the title): plants, photosynthetic organisms that are not plants (‘algae’, as well as some bacteria and archaebacteria), fungi, and ‘fungal-like’ organisms. The book includes brief ‘fact sheets’ of over fifty organisms/groups that biologists should be aware of, ranging from the very familiar (corn, yeast) to the unfamiliar (bracket fungi, late-blight of potato). These groups reflect the diversity of inanimate life.

Life Science
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State University of New York
Provider Set:
Milne Open Textbooks
George M. Briggs
Date Added:
Inanimate Life
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0.0 stars

Inanimate Life is an open textbook covering a very traditional biological topic, botany, in a non-traditional way. Rather than a phylogenetic approach, going group by group, the book considers what defines organisms and examines four general areas of their biology: structure (their composition and how it comes to be), reproduction (including sex), energy and material needs, and their interactions with conditions and with other organisms. Although much of the text is devoted to vascular plants, the book comparatively considers ‘EBA = everything but animals’ (hence the title): plants, photosynthetic organisms that are not plants (‘algae’, as well as some bacteria and archaebacteria), fungi, and ‘fungal-like’ organisms. The book includes brief ‘fact sheets’ of over fifty organisms/groups that biologists should be aware of, ranging from the very familiar (corn, yeast) to the unfamiliar (bracket fungi, late-blight of potato). These groups reflect the diversity of inanimate life.

Life Science
Material Type:
State University of New York
Provider Set:
Milne Open Textbooks
George M. Briggs
Date Added:
Plant Anatomy and Physiology
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0.0 stars

This book was created to support teaching of an introductory unit on plant environmental physiology at Charles Darwin University. It makes use of various images of cells and tissues to introduce and illustrate the range of plant organelles, cells, tissues and organs.

Life Science
Material Type:
CDU Pressbooks System
Sean Bellairs
Date Added:
Plants, Society, and the Environment (Open Course)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This open course for Plants, Society, and the Environment was created under a Round Six ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Topics include cell structure, photosynthesis, taxonomy, biomes, domestication, agriculture, and medicine.

Life Science
Material Type:
Full Course
University System of Georgia
Provider Set:
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Katie Bridges
Thomas Harnden
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Red Seal Landscape Horticulturist Identify Plants and Plant Requirements
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Red Seal Landscape Horticulturist Identify Plants and Plant Requirements is an adaptation of KPU HORT 1155 Introduction to Plant Materials Lecture Notes. This first edition supports student achievement of the Level 1 and 2 learning goals for Red Seal Landscape Horticulturist Line F2.

Life Science
Material Type:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Michelle Nakano
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The Science of Plants
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0.0 stars

An approachable guide to the fundamentals of plant science. Created for horticulture students, gardeners, science teachers, and anyone interested in understanding plants and how they grow. This is the required text for HORT 1001/6001 Plant Propagation at the University of Minnesota Department of Horticultural Science.

Life Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Alan Smith
Emily Hoover
Emily Tepe
Laura Irish
Matt Clark
Tom Michaels
Date Added:
Virginia Cooperative Extension Gardener Handbook
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Virginia Cooperative Extension Gardener Handbook is a guide for all gardeners in Virginia. It covers a variety of topics important for beginning and experienced gardeners, including soil health, native plants, and integrated pest management. This manual provides an understanding of the basics of gardening in Virginia and helps to build a strong foundation of gardening knowledge. Resources for additional reading can be found at the end of each chapter. We encourage readers to take a deeper dive into the topics that interest them and continue their learning journey.

How to Access the Book
This text is available in multiple formats including PDF, a low-resolution PDF which is faster to download, and ePub. These are linked on the left side of your screen. The book is also available in HTML/Pressbooks at https://pressbooks.lib.vt.edu/emgtraining. Softcover print versions with color interior will be available for purchase in Spring/Summer 2023. The main landing page for this book is https://doi.org/10.21061/vcegardener

HTML/Pressbooks: ISBN 978-1-957213-47-7 https://pressbooks.lib.vt.edu/emgtraining
PDF: ISBN 978-1-957213-48-4
Print (paperback): ISBN 978-1-957213-42-2 [Forthcoming]
ePub: ISBN 978-1-957213-49-1

Table of Contents
1. Botany
2. Soils and Nutrient Management
3. Entomology
4. Plant Pathology
5. Abiotic Stress Effects on Plant Growth and Development
6. Diagnosing Plant Damage
7. Integrated Pest Management and Pesticide Safety
8. Plant Propagation
9. The Vegetable Garden
10. Fruits in the Home Garden
11. Lawns
12. Indoor Plants
13. Woody Landscape Plants
14. Pruning
15. Herbaceous Landscape Plants
16. Landscape Design
17. Water Quality and Conservation
18. Habitat Gardening for Wildlife
19. Virginia Native Plants

About Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) is the outreach and engagement branch of Virginia Tech and Virginia State University, Virginia’s land-grant universities. Through VCE, Extension agents, specialists, and volunteers work to share knowledge and advance the wellbeing of all Virginians. This handbook serves as the main training text for new Extension Master Gardener volunteers.

If you are passionate about horticulture, environmental conservation, or gardening education, we invite you to join us by becoming an Extension Master Gardener at https://ext.vt.edu/lawn-garden/master-gardener/Become-a-Master-Gardener.html.

Are you a professor reviewing or adopting this book for a course?
https://bit.ly/interest-vcegardener Instructors adopting or reviewing this text are encouraged to record their use on this form. This helps the book's sponsors to understand this open textbook's impact.

Suggested Citation
Virginia Cooperative Extension (2023). Virginia Cooperative Extension Gardener Handbook. Blacksburg: Virginia Cooperative Extension. https://doi.org/10.21061/vcegardener. Licensed with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Accessibility Statement
Virginia Tech Publishing is committed to making its publications accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The Pressbooks (HTML) and ePub versions of this text are tagged structurally and include alternative text, which allows for machine readability.

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This version of the Virginia Extension Gardener Handbook was made possible in part by financial and technical support from the Open Education Initiative at the University Libraries. Additional financial support was provided by the Virginia Tech School of Plant and Environmental Sciences.

Thank you to contributors and editors of this handbook:
• Kathleen Reed (2022 project advisor, editor, and contributor)
• Devon Johnson (2022 project manager and image author)
• Kindred Grey (2022 image author and Pressbooks formatting)
• Stacey Morgan Smith (2022 handbook editor)
• Emma Freeborn (2022 alt text and editorial assistance)
• Anita Walz and the Virginia Tech Publishing team (2022)
• The 2021/22 Handbook Review Team: Barb Wilson, Beth Kirby, Carol King, Courtney Soria, Doug Levin, Elaine Mills, Elizabeth Brown, Fern Campbell, JC Gardner , Jim Revell, Khosro Aminpour, Maraea Harris, Margaret Brown, Meagan Shelley, Melanie Thompson, Michael Cole, Mimi Rosenthal, Nancy Brooks, Nancy Butler, Patricia Lust, Ralph Morini, Sabrina Morelli, Shawn Jadrnicek, Sherry Kern, Stacey Morgan Smith, Susan Dudley, Susan Perry, Wendy Silverman and all other volunteers who contributed.

Previous versions:
• Dave Close, State Coordinator, VCE Master Gardener Program & Consumer Horticulture Specialist (2015 project advisor)
• John Freeborn, Assistant State Coordinator, VCE-MG Program (2015 editor)
• Sue Edwards (2015 editorial assistant)
• Diane Relf, Retired Extension Specialist, Environmental Horticulture (original compilation, revision, and editing)
• Judith Schwab (original compilation, revision, and editing)
• Elissa Steeves (original compilation, revision, and editing)
• R. Peter Madsen (original compilation, revision, and editing)
• Virginia Nathan (original compilation, revision, and editing)
Thank you to the many Extension Master Gardener volunteers and agents who have contributed feedback or made suggestions for this handbook over the years. Thanks also to the original contributors, including the Northern Virginia Master Gardeners, the Utah Cooperative Extension Service, and the Georgia Cooperative Service for use of their handbook material and the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and N.C. State for the use of their revised and expanded versions of this handbook (circa 2009). According to the 2009 version of this handbook, “material was taken from many Extension publications written in Virginia and other states.” We have worked to identify, rewrite, and attribute this content.

The original edition of the Virginia Master Gardener Handbook was printed January 1985. The handbook was revised January 1986, January 1987, July 1990, November 1994, December 1999, July 2009, and December 2015.

Disclaimer: This work may contain components (e.g., illustrations or quotations) not covered by the license. Every effort has been made to clearly identify these components but ultimately it is your responsibility to independently evaluate the copyright status of any work or component part of a work you use, in light of your intended use. Please check the references at the end of each chapter before redistributing.

Life Science
Material Type:
Student Guide
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Date Added: