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  • ethics
PHIL 201:  Bioethics
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An exploration of complex contemporary ethical problems from healthcare, the environment, and bioethics. Issues include problems of drugs and addiction, stigma toward people with disabilities, terminal illness and chronic health needs, resource allocation in times of disaster, infectious diseases, gene editing, and humans’ relationship with their environment. Classical and contemporary ethical theories, moral theories, and the fundamentals of scientific integrity will be applied to make principled, defensible, moral judgments.

Arts and Humanities
Life Science
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
School of Professional Studies
CUNY School of Professional Studies
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Philosophical Ethics
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0.0 stars

This book is an introduction to philosophical ethics intended for use in introductory college or high school level courses. It has grown out of lecture notes I shared with the first students who took my online Ethics course at the Pennsylvania College of Technology almost 20 years ago. Since then it has seen more development in a variety of forms – starting out as a pdf document, and then evolving into a static set of WordPress pages and finally now as a book written in bookdown and hosted at GitHub. This text represents my attempt to scratch a couple of itches. The first is my wanting a presentation of the major philosophical approaches to ethics that I can actually agree with and that is integrated into my overall teaching method. I tend to teach philosophy to beginners and so there is a fair amount of discussion of the tools used by philosophers and of the ways in which their approach differs from that of their colleagues in other disciplines.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
George W. Matthews
Date Added:
Philosophical Ethics
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0.0 stars

This book is an introduction to philosophical ethics intended for use in introductory college or high school level courses. It has grown out of lecture notes I shared with the first students who took my online Ethics course at the Pennsylvania College of Technology almost 20 years ago. Since then it has seen more development in a variety of forms – starting out as a pdf document, and then evolving into a static set of WordPress pages and finally now as a book written in bookdown and hosted at GitHub. This text represents my attempt to scratch a couple of itches. The first is my wanting a presentation of the major philosophical approaches to ethics that I can actually agree with and that is integrated into my overall teaching method. I tend to teach philosophy to beginners and so there is a fair amount of discussion of the tools used by philosophers and of the ways in which their approach differs from that of their colleagues in other disciplines.

There are of course many good quality ethics textbooks out there, and yet none has exactly matched my way of wanting to present the material. Teaching ethics over the years has been a process of active exploration and constant revision of my approach as I have come to a more nuanced and richer appreciation of what ethical thinking and theorizing is all about, as well as some ideas about how I think the main strands of argument relate to each other. Yes this is a partisan effort, but it’s all subject to revision and refinement based on, I hope at least, the better argument. That’s what I am trying to get across here.

The second itch I am trying to scratch has to do with initiatives in open education, and I’d like this text to contribute in its own small way to the much larger and more influential open source movement and philosophy of which I consider it a part. Knowledge is only ours to share. Yes of course writers, developers and publishers do hard work that deserves compensation. But intellectual property, it seems to me, is a false idol that deserves to be smashed. So here is my effort to chip away at it – knowledge should free us and and not sink us into both literal and figurative debt.

Table of Contents:
I Some Preliminaries
1 The Examined Life
2 A Little Bit of Logic
3 Fallacies and Biases

II Ethics Culture and Religion
4 Relativism
5 Religion and Ethics

III Reconstructing Norms
6 Egoism
7 Social Contract Theory
8 Utilitarianism
9 Kant and the ethics of duty

IV Applied Ethics
10 Theory in Practice
11 Euthanasia
12 Liberty and its Limits
13 Crime and Punishment
14 Animals and Ethics
15 Ethics and the Environment

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
George W. Matthews
Plymouth State University
Date Added:
A Philosophy Reader
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This text is intended as an introduction to questions of moral philosophy. While the text itself is a survey, covering many of the topics in a standard philosophy course, the aim here is twofold–first to teach students about the power of stories as a vehicle for understanding moral questions, and second to give students a set of interpretive tools that will allow them to make good ethical decisions in a world that is becoming more ethically complex. At the risk of claiming too much for a course in moral philosophy, the most important skill students need when entering the working world is not so much a knowledge of marketing or accounting, finance, programming, or venture capital, as an understanding of the diverse audiences they will be working with as both colleagues and customers. In essence, the most valuable skills employers need today are human skills. In a world where we are are all attached to our social media accounts and we live and die by how many pings we receive on our phone, this text attempts to do something more old-fashioned–to tell stories about people–about their feelings, thoughts, desires. This text hopes to show both that each individual is unique and that we are all for better and for worse separate beings, but at the same time that we share with other creatures on this planet a sense of living, a wish for respect and dignity, and a connection to all that is. In teaching to face head-on the contradiction between being different and yet like everyone else I hope that the text will give students the tools to negotiate this difference.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
British Columbia/Yukon Open Authoring Platform
Charles Carroll
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Phronesis: An Open Introduction to Ethical Theory with Readings
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0.0 stars

Part I of the text is a survey of ethical systems, methods of determining the right thing to do and how to reforge ourselves and communities, so that we might be humble, wise, and just. Part II of the text looks at short selections of speeches and readings from a variety of philosophers arguing for particular ethical principles, discussing what makes for a good life, the degree to which we can offload our moral thinking onto the divine, analysis of systems of power, and how to conceptualize and respond to uneven moral and political structures in society. The last part of the text is a series of applied ethical issues, such as reproductive rights, environmental ethics, animal rights, and so on.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Primary Source
Andrew Fisher
Henry Imler
Mark Dimmock
Noah Levin
Date Added:
Phronesis: An Open Introduction to Ethics
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0.0 stars

Part I of the text is a survey of ethical systems, methods of determining the right thing to do and how to reforge ourselves and communities, so that we might be humble, wise, and just. Part II of the text looks at short selections of speeches and readings from a variety of philosophers arguing for particular ethical principles, discussing what makes for a good life, the degree to which we can offload our moral thinking onto the divine, analysis of systems of power, and how to conceptualize and respond to uneven moral and political structures in society. The last part of the text is a series of applied ethical issues, such as reproductive rights, environmental ethics, animal rights, and so on.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Henry Imler
Date Added:
The Primacy of the Public
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0.0 stars

The Primacy of the Public presents a framework for engineering and technology ethics focused around three core ethical principles: the principle of welfare, the autonomy principle, and the fairness principle. To support this framework, the book begins with an examination of multiple perspectives we may take on engineering and technology, all of which support the centrality of ethical analysis and evaluation. These include the nature of engineering as a profession, the social context of engineering and technology, and the view that many technologies constitute social experiments.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Cleveland State University
Marcus Schultz-Bergin
Date Added:
Principles of Marketing
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0.0 stars

Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing - not just the vocabulary. It carries five dominant themes throughout in order to expose students to marketing in today's environment: Service dominant logic, sustainability, ethics and social responsibility, global coverage, and metrics.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project
Author Removed At Request Of Original Publisher
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Principles of Marketing
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0.0 stars

Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing - not just the vocabulary. It carries five dominant themes throughout in order to expose students to marketing in today's environment: Service dominant logic, sustainability, ethics and social responsibility, global coverage, and metrics.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
[Author removed at request of original publisher]
Date Added:
Privacy, Data Sharing and Evidence Based Policy Making
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0.0 stars

14. Brave New World: Privacy, Data Sharing and Evidence Based Policy Making

The trifecta of globalization, urbanization and digitization have created new opportunities and challenges across our nation, cities, boroughs and urban centers. Cities in particular are in a unique position at the center of commerce and technology becoming hubs for innovation and practical application of emerging technology. In this rapidly changing 24/7 digitized world, governments are leveraging innovation and technology to become more effective, efficient, transparent and to be able to better plan for and anticipate the needs of its citizens, businesses and community organizations. This class will provide the framework for how cities and communities can become smarter and more accessible with technology and more connected.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
Medgar Evers College
Rhonda S. Binda
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Psychology is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.Senior Contributing AuthorsRose M. Spielman, Formerly of Quinnipiac UniversityContributing AuthorsKathryn Dumper, Bainbridge State CollegeWilliam Jenkins, Mercer UniversityArlene Lacombe, Saint Joseph's UniversityMarilyn Lovett, Livingstone CollegeMarion Perlmutter, University of Michigan

Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Date Added:
Psychology, Psychological Research, Ethics
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0.0 stars

By the end of this section, you will be able to:Discuss how research involving human subjects is regulatedSummarize the processes of informed consent and debriefingExplain how research involving animal subjects is regulated

Social Science
Material Type:
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Public Health Ethics: Global Cases, Practice, and Context
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0.0 stars

Introducing public health ethics poses two special challenges. First, it is a relatively new field that combines public health and practical ethics. Its unfamiliarity requires considerable explanation, yet its scope and emergent qualities make delineation difficult. Moreover, while the early development of public health ethics occurred in a western context, its reach, like public health itself, has become global. A second challenge, then, is to articulate an approach specific enough to provide clear guidance yet sufficiently flexible and encompassing to adapt to global contexts. Broadly speaking, public health ethics helps guide practical decisions affecting population or community health based on scientific evidence and in accordance with accepted values and standards of right and wrong. In these ways, public health ethics builds on its parent disciplines of public health and ethics. This dual inheritance plays out in the definition the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers of public health ethics: “A systematic process to clarify, prioritize, and justify possible courses of public health action based on ethical principles, values and beliefs of stakeholders, and scientific and other information” (CDC 2011). Public health ethics shares with other fields of practical and professional ethics both the general theories of ethics and a common store of ethical principles, values, and beliefs. It differs from these other fields largely in the nature of challenges that public health officials typically encounter and in the ethical frameworks it employs to address these challenges. Frameworks provide methodical approaches or procedures that tailor general ethical theories, principles, values, and beliefs to the specific ethical challenges that arise in a particular field. Although no framework is definitive, many are useful, and some are especially effective in particular contexts. This chapter will conclude by setting forth a straightforward, stepwise ethics framework that provides a tool for analyzing the cases in this volume and, more importantly, one that public health practitioners have found useful in a range of contexts. For a public health practitioner, knowing how to employ an ethics framework to address a range of ethical challenges in public health—a know-how that depends on practice—is the ultimate take-home message.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Andreas Reis
Angus Dawson
Carla Saenz
Drue H. Barrett
Gail Bolan
Leonard W. Ortmann
Date Added:
Research Methods in Psychology (New Zealand edition)
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0.0 stars

This textbook is an adaptation of the Research Methods in Psychology that is available on this site in US and Canadian editions. This New Zealand edition is an adaptation to the New Zealand context. The main changes are in Chapters 1 and 3 and the spelling, grammar, and terminology are changed throughout. This textbook is adopted at the University of Waikato in our 200-level research methods in psychology class.

Social Science
Material Type:
Paul C. Price
Rajiv S. Jhangiani
Date Added:
Succeeding at Your Internship: A Handbook Written for and with Students
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0.0 stars

There are several textbooks for students whose majors include internships in human services, broadly defi­­­ned, such as case management, counseling, criminal justice, and social work. Most of these books are written in an academic format. Typically, it involves an introduction to a theoretical orientation that concerns working with others followed by a series of chapters devoted to learning professional skills associated with a given discipline. This approach is fine, as far as it goes, but also has two drawbacks. One is that the texts are usually sold by main stream publishers, which means they are expensive. Another is that they seldom address what might be described as the experiential dimension of the internship that most beginners face on their own. This new book addresses both concerns. The fact that it is offered as a free text addresses the first issue, of course, but the second one requires a new approach. It began with asking students to talk about what they experienced when going through their first internship and what they would tell others about how to make it a successful one. That work led to a structured narrative about basic practical topics, such as finding an internship, getting started there, making effective use of supervision, understanding ethics, appreciating cultural diversity, becoming competent, and completing the internship. The text includes descriptions, suggestions, and exercises. It may be used as either a primary course text or, due to its relative brevity, a supplemental one. Although the lead editor is an experienced clinician and professor who has supervised internships for a variety of human services majors over many years, the book was written with and for students to make it more readable and more useful.

Career and Technical Education
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Bowling Green State University
Christopher J. Mruk
John C. Moor
Date Added:
Thinking Well
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Thinking Well is a Creative Commons Logic and Critical Thinking Textbook. The emphasis is on clarity of step-by-step instructions and a dialogic format to make it as accessible to a wide variety of ages of skill-levels as possible.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Andrew Lavin
Date Added: